
Titles highlighted in blue are links.

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Jennings, Francis. “Incident at Tulpehocken, Pennsylvania History: A Journal of Mid-Atlantic Studies, vol. 35, no. 4 (October 1968), 335-355.

Knittle, Walter Allen. Early Eighteenth Century Palatine Emigration: A British Government Redemptioner Project to Manufacture Naval Stores. Philadelphia: Dorrance & Co., 1937.

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Lindgren, James and Justin Heather. “Counting Guns in Early America”, William & Mary Law Review, vol. 43, issue 5, April 2002.

Munger, Donna Bingham. Pennsylvania Land Records: A History and Guide for Research. Wilmington, Delaware: Scholarly Resources Inc., 1991. ISBN-13: 978-0842024976, ISBN-10: 0842024972.

Otterness, Philip. Becoming German: The 1709 Palatine Migration to New York. Ithaca and London: Cornell University Press, 2004. ISBN-13: 978-0801473449, ISBN-10: 0801473446.

Pendleton, Philip E. “Finding a Light in the Forest: Conrad Weiser Homestead” (Feature). Pennsylvania Heritage, Summer 1996.

Penn, William. William Penn’s Journal of his Travels in Holland and Germany, in 1677, in the Service of the Gospel, Containing several Letters and Addresses written while there to Persons of Eminence and Quality, revised by the author’s own copy, 4th edition. London: Darton and Harvey, 1835.

Pennypacker, Samuel W. Hendrick Pannebecker: Surveyor of the Lands for the Penns 1674-1754, Flomborn, Germantown and Skippack. Philadelphia: Privately printed, 1894.

Pennypacker, Samuel W. The Settlement of Germantown, Pennsylvania, and the beginning of German Emigration to North America. Philadelphia: William J. Campbell, 1899.

Rupp, Isaac Daniel. History of the Counties of Berks and Lebanon. Lancaster: G. Hills, 1844.

Scholl, Michael D. The American Yeoman: An Historical Ecology of Production in Colonial Pennsylvania. Diss. University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, 2008.

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Strassburger, Ralph Beaver. Pennsylvania German Pioneers: A Publication of the Original Lists of Arrivals in the Port of Philadelphia from 1727 to 1808. Edited with an introduction by William John Hinke, 3 volumes. Norristown: Pennsylvania German Society, 1934. Vol. 1     Vol. 2     Vol. 3

Strouss, B. Morris. “The Founding of Fredericksburg: Paper read before the Lebanon County Historical Society, August 15, 1913, Publications of the Lebanon County Historical Society, vol. VI, no. 5, 1913, 97-113.

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