Privacy Policy

The website is hosted in Germany. In compliance with the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation GDPR, please be advised that the “publishers” as identified under “Impressum” are identical with this website’s “controllers” and “data protection officers”. CLF files are stored in a high-security data center in Düsseldorf for a standard duration of 7 days and then erased automatically. The publishers make no use of the personal data they may temporarily hold and will access them only in the event of unforeseen technical difficulties, security breaches, cyber attacks or other criminal activity. This website does not use cookie, tracking or analytical applications. If you contact the publishers, your personal data, including any inquiries you make and any information you disclose, will be archived and treated in strictest confidence and shared with third parties in accordance with Article 6, 1 (b) and Article 6, 1 (f) GDPR, “Lawfulness of processing”, only upon your express written consent. As a “data subject” you have specific rights under the GDPR including the right of access; the right to rectification; the right to erasure (‘the right to be forgotten’); the right to restriction of processing; the right to data portability; and a general right to object as set forth in Articles 15, 16, 17, 18, 20 and 21 respectively. To download the English text of the GDPR, click here.